
Our Story



The people

Hi there, I'm Sandy!

I'm a school teacher dabbling away in the little, but beautiful, city of Perth in Western Australia. The other person seems to think he is my husband.

I teach both primary and high school students. Yes, I'm crazy and no, I don't think neither one is better than the other! :)

My autobiography in Year 2

Kids are unscrupulous liars. I never had a bird.


The products

Schtickee is a creator of:

• Punctuation plushies 

• Punctuation stickers

• Unique lanyards

• Customisable labels

• Chaos, sometimes.

Punctuation plushies

Punctuation sticker sheet

The journey

Schtickee started in the winter of 2017.

I trialed my first ever set of punctuation plushies with my most important group of beta-testers: my Year Ones. I had already started using my punctuation stickers on their written work with success and decided to bring them to life by making them into tangible plushie characters.

I left the set of characters in the reading corner and stayed quiet.

As you would know, the quietness didn't last long. Never underestimate the highly observant slash highly quizzical traits of children - what's this? Can I take them home? Does it have a name? I like it! What are you going to do with it? Where did you buy them? Did you make them? HOW DID YOU MAKE THEM? CAN YOU MAKE ONE FOR ME?!

After answering ALL THE QUESTIONS followed by a very rich learning experience with their newfound puncutation plushie friends, I went home and made more. Then a few more. Then even more.

The destination
When you put your heart into creating something, the feeling you get when someone believes in your product is indescribable.

My wish is to make a real difference to teachers, bring joy to students and support their teaching and learning journey.

And this shop that you see here, is part of that little dream.

I hope you will join me.


Happy schticking and punctuating,

Sandy & Andy

Schtickee ships to addresses in Australia and internationally.

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